Platform Mediumship In Spiritualism

Approx. reading time 7 minutes.

Understanding Platform Mediumship

Have you ever wondered, “What is Platform Mediumship?” Here’s a little history on Platform Mediumship that will begin to answer your question.

Currently, the latest trend in the spiritual world of spirit communication is platform demonstrations by mediums! These events are the perfect opportunity for mediums to showcase their talents and spread the word about their services. 

So, What Is Platform Mediumship?

In the early days of spiritualism, mediums found that they could stand on a platform and give readings from the Spirit World to many people at once. This practice usually involved asking for a small donation from participants. 
In time, these types of Mediumship sessions evolved into something that doesn’t involve being under the umbrella of a spiritualist church to give platform readings. Nowadays, local Mediums might stand in a circle surrounded by participants wanting to connect with loved ones passed. Or, they start a group online line to give readings to.

How Did Platform Mediumship Start?

Platform Mediumship originated from spiritualist churches. Spiritualist churches formed due to the spiritualist movement, which began in the United States in 1849. More specifically, the infamous Fox Sisters inadvertently started the movement due to their spirit communication abilities that ultimately fascinated the world. Soon everyone wanted to talk with the dead.
Spiritualist churches still exist worldwide but are most common in English-speaking countries. But many are located in Latin America–especially Brazil, Central America, the Caribbean and Sub-Saharan Africa, where a form of spiritualism called spiritism is more popular. Meetings are commonly held in spiritualist centers, most of which are non-profit organizations. In these countries these meetings, for many, are ingrained in their culture.

Spiritualism Ebbs and Flows in Popularity

Spiritualism and talking to the dead ebbs and flows in popularity. In the 1920s, the movement died down, but gained momentum once again in the 1970s. Soon, mediums became very popular once again and some even had weekly television shows.

Soon others such as James Van Praagh and Silvia Browne (now deceased), became highly popular as well by writing best-selling books and appearing on popular talk shows.

I’ve personally attended multiple platform demonstrations, and let me tell you, they are both entertaining and enlightening. I once had a Medium tell me something that happened in my childhood that no one on earth could have known about but me!


How Platform Mediumship Works

Picture this: the medium takes center stage, standing in the middle of a large circle or on a platform, surrounded by eager attendees. People are typically handed small pencils and pieces of notepaper as they enter the venue. Then the medium begins the demonstration by asking permission to deliver a message to a specific person in the audience. They then proceed to conduct the message-giving process, reminiscent of a séance

However, unlike traditional séances, the lights may not be dimmed, and the room can be quite spacious to accommodate all the attendees. Demonstrations can have anywhere from 25 people present, but imagine the energy in an auditorium filled with thousands, like when James Van Praagh, John Edwards, or John Holland take the stage. 

So, if you ever have an opportunity to attend a demonstration, go to one and see what it’s like. Perhaps you are a skeptic. But if the medium is the real deal, you will be amazed at what transpires and perhaps get a mini-reading from the Spirit World for yourself! In fact, I’ve attended five of James Van Praagh’s demonstrations and loved every minute of them. 

Are You Ready to Take the Platform Plunge?

Are you ready to take the plunge and make a name for yourself as an exceptional medium? Please don’t let your initial fears hold you back! Start out small with just a few trusted people in your group and then branch out hosting larger message circles. You can either stand on a platform or in the middle of a circle of hopefuls who are seeking a message from loved ones and friends passed.

Here Are Some Pro Tips:

Tip #1. Reach out to some metaphysical stores in your area and offer to give demonstration circles. Say that you will split the proceeds – it’s a win-win! Not only will you gain valuable exposure, but you’ll also tap into their existing customer base.

Alternatively, you can set up your event by donation. Usually, doing this will attract a wider audience who may not be ready to make a significant commitment just yet. Plus, giving people the freedom to contribute what feels right to them can actually lead to more generosity and a sense of community. So push past those initial jitters, and embrace this incredible way to get started and get your name out there.  The possibilities are endless!
Tip #2. Go online and start a group.
There are YouTube Videos on how to do this. Set up a Zoom account and once a week or more, give live readings. Don’t be shy. Doing this will explode your business!


Platform Mediumship means the medium stands before an audience large or small and proceeds to relay messages from the spirit world to participants. It’s a revival of a practice that spans over 150 years. If you are a medium and want to try Platform Mediumship with the tips presented, it may be far easier than you think. And, you will be helping others through their grief of losing a loved one.
 Still  unsure of what Spiritualism is? Read about here.

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Carol Nicholson is thirty-five years a professional Psychic Medium and author of numerous Psychic and Spiritual courses since 2001.
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