Discerning True from False Messages from Spirits
Approx. reading time 5 minutes
How to know if spirit messages are real takes some practice. When we are awake, our mind is busy all the time. It’s planning, tasking, and problem-solving. It also allows us to daydream and even imagine our dreams and wishes being fulfilled.
We frequently see these thoughts in picture form. For example, you are thinking of buying a new couch and imagine in your mind what it will look like. Maybe you are daydreaming about getting away for a weekend fishing trip. We are creating in our mind all the time!
Some of these Pictures Come Directly from Helpful Spirits
Spirits reside in a dimension called the Astral Plane, or as some call it, the Spirit Plane. Many of our intuitive thoughts and pictures come to us directly from this plane. Although there are many levels in this plane, helpful spirit guides reside in its mid to higher frequencies. Angels, Ascended Masters, and Avatars are ensconced in even higher frequency bands.
Higher beings from these realms do exist, and provide us with the guidance and answers to what we would like to know. Moreover, these higher beings communicate to us through our psychic faculty of Clairvoyance.
Clairvoyance happens in our mind’s eye which some call the Third Eye. Furthermore, our natural faculty of Clairvoyance is where relevant images come to us from the spirit world. Through this imaging faculty, we can begin to practice asking for and receiving pictorial answers.
So, how can we tell the difference between our wishful thinking to spirit messages actually coming from the spirit realm? Admittedly, it takes some practice.
Unsure of Your Primary Guide?
So, you don’t have a particular spirit guide that you work with. Perhaps it’s time to connect with one. You primary spirit guide is an invaluable asset. Making the connection with this being will bring much abundance into your life. Not necessarily meaning money or power, but an intelligence that helps guide you through life’s travails.
When doing any kind of Mediumship or asking for spirits’ help, this guide can always be trusted. And, they are just as eager to serve you and do whatever they can, within reason, to help you with any spiritual endeavor.
If you are getting discouraged with trying to connect with your primary guide, just know that by reaching out to your guide, they are aware of this. And, although you may not receive a tangible confirmation that they’re there, doesn’t mean that they aren’t. I challenge you to always trust your that guide is working on your behalf and then let it go.
Try a Fun Exercise Right Now
The following technique is helpful in increasing the power and clarity of clairvoyance.
- Envision a river. See its waters moving rapidly.
- Notice the details of the river. Imagine the color of the water, any boulders poking up, or small whirlpools.
- Now, imagine little side pools filled with fish serenely swimming.
- In addition to this, imagine the landscape on either side of the river.
- Finally, see the river flowing towards an infinite distance.
- Now, let this imagery fade away.
- Practice doing this a couple of times. You’ll discover that it’s an excellent technique for starting the flow of Clairvoyance and strengthening the Third Eye. Furthermore, it will help in discerning true from false spirit messages.
Keep track of your result in a particular journal. Or, place text in a confidential computer document. Always include the date. This method is excellent for looking back at what you’ve received over time. Some pieces of information will make sense later.
In conclusion:
Please be patient. You’ll not master this technique overnight. And, just a little reminder. Nothing worthwhile happens without effort.
Finally, remain positive and confident. Results will come quicker than you thin. With a little practice, you’ll soon know when spirit messages are real or merely your imagination. However, the process takes time and requires patience. If something comes to you that is negative or harsh, this is not a spirit of the light working with you.
By practicing your skills with the exercise provided, communications that are confusing, will soon become clearer and more intelligible.
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Carol Nicholson is thirty-five years a professional Psychic Medium and author of numerous Psychic and Spiritual courses since 2001. Subscribe for more posts like this, get a FREE Psychic-Medium Starter eGuide, and notification of fantastic coupon deals.
If a spirit flashed you an image of a sled, how would you interpret that?
That would depend on your own subconscious set of symbols. For example, I might think of this impression as possibly having something to do with breaking out of a frozen state of being and being daring to do something adventurous fun, and a wild ride.
Something fast and slippery.