Ever Wonder What Spirit Guides Do?
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Spirit Guides Help Us in Many Ways
How Spirit Guides work in our lives covers the primary functions of spirit guides and what they do. Additionally, learn their purpose, how they get our attention, and things that they’ll do or won’t do to assist us in our everyday lives.
Years ago, while doing dishes, I had a vision of three beings in blue robes who gave me a message. They told me that they were there to help me with the new business I was launching online.
Ultimately, it gave me great comfort to know that I was being helped on a spiritual level as the project to get Imagine Spirit launched seemed overwhelming at times. Everything went easier after that, and Imagine Spirit has been a strong presence on the Internet since 2001.
Belief in Spirit Guides throughout History
According to recorded history, humankind has known about spirit guides for millennia. In ancient and indigenous cultures, priests and shamans went into a trance state to petition help from spirits.
The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates (469–399 BC) had a unique guide named Daimon with whom he was in constant contact. This guide offered him sage advice and protection.
In more modern times, an example of a helpful spirit guide comes from Bill Wilson. Bill Wilson was one of the co-founders of Alcoholics Anonymous. Wilson frequently meditated and connected with a unique spirit guide. This guide assisted Wilson while writing his book Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions (July 17, 1952).
Archived records show that Wilson enthusiastically wrote to his Catholic priest and friend Father Ed Dowling about the help and guidance he was receiving. This help purportedly came from a medieval monk named Boniface who provided the framework for much of the book’s spiritual insights.
So, What Exactly Are Spirit Guides Anyway?
Importantly, spirit guides are beings that come to us to assist in our life’s journey. They are spirits of those who were once human and have attained a higher level of spiritual mastery. They retain an awareness of human beings living on Earth and volunteer to help individuals in all life’s facets.
Are Guides Just New Age Woo-Woo?
Most importantly, every human being has spirit guides no matter who they are or the society they’re born into. It’s significant to note that many people are either not aware of their spirit guides’ existence, or choose to ignore the idea of spirit guides, placing them in the category of New Age woo-woo.
Many individuals would like to believe in spirit guides, but the idea of spiritual guidance being readily available to them is beyond their capacity of understanding. Regardless, each person’s guides are often present to provide help as an individual moves through life.
How Spirit Guides Help as Trusted Friends
First off, spirit guides act as our trusted friends and confidants. They have a loving, compassionate, and supportive attitude toward humans. Additionally, spirit guides have our best interests at heart but can only help us if we allow them into our lives.
Secondly, spirit guides do not offer advice unless it’s requested. Thirdly, although spirit guides are very sincere, some spirits make better guides than others.
Spirit Guides are Nonjudgmental
Spirit guides are trained to be nonjudgmental. They allow us to make mistakes, even after going against any advice offered.
Furthermore, Spirit Guides will not say, “I told you so.” Moreover, spirit guides will always be available to assist, no matter how often we make the same mistakes. They understand the human condition and realize that mistakes need to be made to learn valuable spiritual lessons.
Spirit Guides will not say, “I told you so.” Moreover, spirit guides will always be available to assist, no matter how often we make the same mistakes. They understand the human conditions and realize that sometimes, mistakes need to be made to learn valuable spiritual lessons.
Your Spirit Guides are Aware of Your Difficulties
Often, when a person feels desperate, they will cry out for divine intervention. The call is always headed. Moreover, help comes from their guides and sometimes angels–even if there’s is no conscious awareness of these beings being present.
Miracles seem to happen just at the right moment. Or, assistance comes in the form of significant thoughts that drop into our minds. In more unusual and bizarre occurrences, a problem seems to get miraculously solved, or we appear to receive otherworldly help when in immediate peril.
Immediate assistance has come to me more than once in my life when in a particularly dicey situation.
Author, Josie Varga, gives an excellent example of how spirit guides help in instances of a near- death experience in her article: Angel or Spirit Guide?
Your Guides Come and Go
Spirit guides are not present 24/7. But they keep close tabs on their human charge. Guides come and go as they often have other Individuals to assist.
Spirit Guides Only Suggest
Spirit Guides will not tell you what to do. They want you to be able to stand on your own feet and not rely on them for guidance on every little thing. They will, however, provide subtle advice for practical courses of action for any situation.
Do We Have an Exact Number of Guides?
Some people find the number of guides between 1 and 8, but I believe this number continually fluctuates. For example, if we go through something new and unusual that entails just one afternoon, a new guide may be present during that time only and then departs when no longer needed.
What Do Our Guides Look Like?
It’s interesting to me what I hear people often imagine when picturing their spirit guide. More often, people do not envision their spirit guides as modern-looking but rather as an exotically dressed individual. Yet, there are times when guides appear as a more ancient personage or, in some cases, animals.
The point is, the guides assigned to you may not have the appearance that you expect. However, their wisdom is great and not to be taken for granted.
How Spirit Guides Work in Our Lives through Dreams
Spirit guides provide insights or answers to questions through dreams or meditation. For example, if you repeatedly feel an urge to do something during the day or in sleep, this is your spirit guide getting your attention.
To add to this, there’s a synchronicity that’s too obvious to ignore. These synchronicities often depend upon the awareness of the individual. For example, individuals who are spiritually adept and strongly connected with their guides, often go into meditation to ask for and receive answers regarding something in particular.
Using Automatic Writing and Pendulums to Connect
Some people use automatic writing as a means to communicate with a spirit guide. Some individuals use a pendulum for asking questions, and some even verbally channel their guides’ advice.
It’s crucial to realize that your intuition often signals that a spirit guide is trying to get through to you. Significantly, the signal may come as that small still voice within you. To illustrate this, you suddenly sense that you need to slow down when driving or get your car oil checked now!
*Indicators of Your Guide’s Presence
- Feeling a slight pressure on the head, somewhere on the arms, or the back of the neck.
- Sudden chills or goosebumps occur when thinking about a particular issue.
- A slight jerk of the body similar to what we sometimes experience when falling asleep.
- A high buzzing sound frequently indicates that a spirit guide is signaling to be noticed.
- Seeing little twinkling lights in the room.
Can We See Our Spirit Guides?
Interestingly, individuals rarely see spirit guides with their physical eyes. Mostly, a spirit guide’s presence is sensed or seen with the mind’s eye. However, in some instances, a person does see a spirit guide. This usually occurs when the mind is not busy tasking or in the hypnagogic state between sleep and waking up.
More interesting, one of my students did experience seeing a guide. He awoke early one morning and, standing by his bed, was an Amazonian native. The figure was short, had strange markings on the face, and was holding a spear. My student instinctively knew that the small figure was one of his spirit guides.
Are We Penalized if We Don’t Do as Our Guides Suggest?
Absolutely not! Our guides are here to suggest only. If we decide to pursue our own course of action, spirit guides let us.
Finally, thanking our spirit guides for the time and energy they expend trying to help us is essential. They were once humans too, and appreciate the gesture.
In Conclusion:
By now, you have a greater understanding of who and what spirit guides are. And the vital role they have in our lives.
Whether you believe in the existence of spirit guides or not, spirit guides indeed exist to help us. Having guidance available to us is a tremendous spiritual resource. Tapping into this resource is invaluable for dealing with life’s difficulties and receiving that extra bit of help when needed.
*These indicators are similar to Angelic Visitations. However, Angelic visitations are far more powerful in how they connect with us.
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Carol Nicholson is thirty-five years a professional Psychic Medium and author of numerous Psychic and Spiritual courses since 2001. Subscribe for more posts like this, get a FREE Psychic-Medium Starter eGuide, and notification of fantastic coupon deals.
Sometimes I see twinkling lights at night in the dark or suddenly smell a good smelling odor, that’s when I know my guides are nearby.
Definitely a sign!
What I feel on a regular basis almost everyday , is what feels like a hand on the back of my neck and shoulder area. It is a prickly sensation that is quite strong then after a few minutes then the feeling disappears. This sensation will happen even when I’m driving home from work. From asking questions who it might be, has led me to believe it’s my Guardian Angel.
You may be correct. Angels cause more physical sensations than spirit guides.