Mediumship Training
Mediumship training certification is not as daunting as it once was. In fact, it’s no secret that Mediumship today is a hot topic. This has not always been so. For years, I struggled like so many, to do my work and not be considered weird or unnatural. I goal was to help others by providing proof that their loved ones truly lived on in the afterlife and to relay messages to the grieving suffering from loss of a loved one.
Now with the help of television and mediums who have become well known, we are now able to do our work with pride and get the word out to others who wish to develop their own abilities as well.
Therefore, welcome to Imagine Spirit’s Mediumship Training Certification home study course for the development of Mediumship and give evidential Mediumship readings.
After several years of people contacting me from all over the world requesting a course like this, I finally felt compelled to put one together. True, I resisted this for a long time because I believed Mediumship training should be experiential in nature and that in-person training was the most effective route to follow.
Later, I changed my mind about this after conducting a few trial runs with training by phone with selected students. To my pleasant surprise, I found that training by this method is as effectual as training in person. The only real condition for this is that the students learn the materials, practice, meditate often, and is sincere about their desire to learn. More importantly, a student being patient about experiencing through the process we call unfoldment is paramount.
The course handbook is crafted to provide you with everything you need for safe and positive experiences with Spirit contact. Through this course, you’ll unfold into a brilliant Medium.
Importantly, in this self-paced course you will acquire the abilities and skills needed to instantly communicate with the spirit world. You’ll also have the knowledge and expertise to identify the spirit communicating. Furthermore, you will learn how to properly relay messages to those wanting to connect with loved ones in spirit.
The information in this course comes from years of research, my own experiences with the faculty of clairvoyance, working with hundreds of clients and students, and innumerable studies I have undertaken. Students will progress at their own rate. Success resulting from the techniques offered will depend on the student’s dedication and practice of the exercises set forth.
Finally, this Home Study Course is the foundation from which your new or current Mediumship abilities will be greatly enhanced. If you are currently seeing or sensing Spirits, this guide will help you to control when or where you experience the phenomena and how best to work with it.
Ultimately, our goal is to promote a greater sense of confidence and expertise for contact with Spirit whether you are a beginner or are already practicing Mediumship. We feel the more you know about all the facets of Mediumship, the better equipped you are to practice the art.
Additionally, knowledge is power and the course information provided comes from years of practice, study, and working with hundreds of students just like you. Finally, this course will create a solid foundation for you to work from for years to come and, will assist you in becoming a truly accomplished medium! Read the following carefully:
First, please read the lessons thoroughly and do the exercises and self-quiz at the end of each lesson. For examples given to search the internet for additional information, please do so to augment your knowledge base.
Second, review often. More importantly, if you get tired or frustrated for any reason, stop for a bit and return to the lessons later on. Frustration and or anxiety will only stop the flow of Spirit communications coming to you.
Third, true Mediumship development takes time. Start a study group or join one nearby if you possibly can. Feel free to print your Mediumship Glossary of Terms provided to you and refer to it when needed.