Ghosts & Hauntings

Since ancient times, people have been reporting encounters with ghosts, also known as earthbound spirits. While some people rationalize their experiences, others pursue them by trying to capture evidence of their existence. Extensive information about ghosts and people’s encounters with them.

Scary Ghosts that Haunt the Tower of London

Many Spooky Ghosts Haunt the Tower The Best Place in London to Witness a Ghost Approx. Reading Time 7 Minutes Restless Ghosts Revealed As an idle thought, you may wonder what ghosts haunt the Tower of London. Intriguingly, the Tower of London spectors feature headless figures, creepy moans, suffocating sensations, ice-cold touches, and wispy gliding […]

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5 Reasons Skeptics Dismiss the Paranormal

It’s not surprising what skeptics say about ghosts, as they usually do their darndest to prove that ghosts and paranormal events don’t actually exist. The reasons given are numerous and cover a wide range of explanations. The same goes for the scientific community, whose overall opinion is that there is zero provable evidence that spirits walk the earth. Therefore, they offer four primary theories of why people might claim they’ve had a ghostly encounter.

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Thirteen Classifications of Ghosts

Filmed paranormal events are now posted on websites and in social media accounts every day. How is this possible? The answer lies in the fact that new technology, which most people have access to, enables documenting evidence via images, videos, and recordings of spirit voices more than ever before in history. Sadly, despite the substantial evidence of ghostly activity caught on phones, cameras, and other devices, science and skeptics still categorically refuse to believe ghosts exist.

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