The Akashic Records Can Heal Your Life

Do You Repeat Destructive Behaviors Over and Over?

Approx. reading time 6 minutes.

Learn how to heal with the Akashic Records reveals ways that you can change your life and thrive!

What Are the Akashic Records?

First off, what are the Akashic Records? Simply put, the Akashic Records are a dimension where all the thoughts, events, and knowledge throughout each person’s history are stored in a cosmic compendium. Sometimes referred to as “The Book of Life,” the Akashic records reveal everything about each soul’s history from the beginning of time. But, more importantly, they can also reveal when and where negative patterns began in a soul’s journey.

Think About This!

Are destructive behaviors and patterns perhaps destroying your life?

Knowing how the Akashic Records can heal destructive behaviors is something you may be interested in for living a better quality life.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to become free of emotional pain, shame, and guilt resulting from compulsive behaviors that you can’t seem to control?

Suppose you have problems with staying in relationships, binge eating, gambling, incessant gaming, and impulsive shopping or sexual behavior. Or perhaps you have issues with addictions such as alcohol and drugs. If these patterns resonate with you, the good news is that you can overcome them. In short, you don’t have to keep repeating destructive patterns. Instead, you may be able to pinpoint their origins and begin the healing process.

The Akashic Records Are Magnetic Imprints

Naturally, many reading this post already know what the Akashic Records are. If not, as mentioned, the Akashic Records are a magnetic imprint that contains recorded data of every soul’s thoughts, deeds, and actions from the beginning of creation.

In simpler terms, the field of the Akasha exists in a specific dimension called the Akashic Plane. In particular, the Akashic Plane connects to our energy field. It is only one of many dimensional planes that enable us to think, feel, and act.

Point of fact, the Akashic Records are constantly changing and updating. Edgar Cayce, the great seer of the 20th century, called these records “The Book of Life.” Others call them “The Hall of Records.”

Be Ready for an Energy Shift

Amazingly, your Akashic Records undergo an energy shift every time you become consciously aware of ingrained destructive patterns. Moreover, this reflects spiritual growth in your soul’s record. In fact, by entering the records and identifying specific issues, your spiritual essence transforms exponentially.

Subsequently, you begin healing by permanently letting go of problem patterns and, therefore, live a happier life. Thus, as you evolve further, recurring self-destructive patterns are no longer an issue.

For example:

  • Do you repeatedly attract the wrong kind of romantic partner?
  • Have you always felt angry at the world and don’t know why?
  • Are you afraid of people in general and isolate yourself?
  • Do you always replay negative thoughts and painful events in your head?
  • Is it something like, why do you frequently get stuck in a lousy job?
  • Or, why do you continually end up in the same kind of negative situation?
  • Are you constantly late for appointments or your job?
  • Is it a habit to lie about things even when you don’t need to?
  • Are you plagued with starting projects and never finishing them?
  • Do you have problems with commitments or seeing things through?
  • Is it common for you to abandon projects, etc?

All these traits and more may have originated from a previous lifetime.

Indeed, we all have problem issues. Most definitely, it’s a normal part of our human condition. However, by accessing the Akashic Records, you can view past incarnations where damaging patterns may have originated. Moreover, you can address any troublesome issues identified.

Can I Change My Akashic Records?

Sometimes individuals wonder, “Can I access my Akashic Records and manually change them to make me a better person?” The answer is no. However, unquestionably, you can learn from them and change behaviors from there.

For one thing, the Akashic Records have higher beings assigned to caretake the records’ integrity. Any entity, human or otherwise, is barred from accessing the records and manually changing what’s in them. Notably, only by a spiritual process of awareness and a serious intent to improve your life will the records reflect new spiritual growth and transform undesirable traits. As a result, harmful patterns will hopefully not be repeated in this lifetime or in future incarnations.

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Do the Akashic Records Punish You?

No. The Akashic Records are not created to punish you in any way. They are simply a record of your soul’s journey. Furthermore, accessing one’s own records is possible for anyone. Whether out of curiosity or for healing purposes, the Akashic Records are available to access forever.

How to Heal with the Akashic Records: You’re Not Aware of Patterns

In general, we’re not always consciously aware of repeating destructive patterns. It’s like seeing the forest and not the trees, and it’s called denial. Denial is a powerful emotion and clouds our self-perception. But, for the most part, harmful repeating  life experiences may point these out. For example, you repeatedly devalue significant others and go through numerous separations. Finally, it may dawn on you that the trait of neglecting or devaluing others is a real problem.

Once you pinpoint something that is adversely affecting you, please don’t beat yourself up about it. Therefore, learn from mistakes and know that you can correct negative patterns that create recurring problems in your life.

Most assuredly, not all recurring patterns are negative. For example, you have a knack for getting yourself out of tight spots with a brilliant idea. Or, you always have an unshakeable sense that all will turn out okay when under a challenging situation. Along your journey, you have picked up some beneficial traits. So, take a moment and reflect on what you are good at that serve you in life.

How to Change Destructive Patterns

Most significantly, healing repeating negative patterns requires some effort and self-honesty. Individuals often do this with the help of a therapist and begin working on the healing process. You can also work on disadvantageous patterns on your own. If all else fails, accessing the recordings and determining problem issues paves the way for you to transform the negative into more positive ways of thinking and acting.

More importantly, it’s vital to realize that problematic behaviors and destructive patterns may have resulted from an adverse life condition during a particular lifetime. In essence, it became imprinted on your aura** and stays with you through subsequent lives.

For instance, imagine that in Roman times you were a slave and were severely abused. As a result, part of you made an inward decision never to allow anyone to have control over you ever again. Accordingly, this avowal may have resulted in an ingrained fear of being controlled by anyone. Unfortunately, not realizing this, the trait keeps manifesting in subsequent lifetimes, possibly causing problems.

The Origination Point Is Key to Transforming Destructive Patterns

Just by being aware of this information, the healing and transformation will immediately begin to change you and be reflected in your Akashic Records as well. Over time, you’ll notice patterns and actions which were once problematic subtly change. Of course, problems ingrained in your aura won’t change overnight. Most certainly, you’ll need to keep experiencing life to determine if a change in thinking or behavior has occurred.

Essentially, you may already be aware of some destructive patterns that re-occur in your life. Write them down. Problem areas might be relationship issues or anything that seems to be a recurring issue. Be honest with yourself.

Get Life Answers from the Akashic Records

If you’ve never accessed your Akashic Records and don’t know how, our easy Akashic Records Training course teaches you step-by-step how to do this. It’s a safe process and highly exciting when you uncover your soul’s history and past lives. Not only that, but consider how awesome it would be to get the answers about situations you’ve been wondering about your entire life.

Easy Steps to Heal Destructive Behaviors:

Below are the steps to help you release adverse behaviors. Of course, this may take some courage on your part. First, make sure that you won’t be disturbed and begin working with an issue. Then, tackle additional problems when you’re rested.  

  1. Review your list of negative behavior patterns or situations that you seem to repeat. Focus on the most pressing issue first.
  2. Go into a meditative state and ask your inner self where a negative behavior may have originated in a past life. This may take a while, so be patient. Eventually, you’ll see images or get a feeling that gives you the answers you seek.
  3. Remember everything you experience in meditation. If nothing makes sense to you, keep at it. Soon, you’ll start getting insights that do make sense. Of more importance, please don’t think that you are merely imagining what you are perceiving.  Maybe you are. But, consider this. The information has to come from somewhere so, there may be a thread of truth in what you are getting. Don’t ignore this!
  4. If you’ve already been trained in accessing the Akashic Records, enter them the way you are most comfortable. Remember, your Akashic Records Keeper is available to help you.
  5. Next, ask, “In what lifetime did this pattern first appear in my soul’s journey?”
  6. Wait to receive any images, symbols, or auditory pieces of information that come to you.
  7. It’s perfectly okay to open your eyes and write these down.
  8. Now ask, “How many lifetimes have I carried this pattern into subsequent incarnations?” Remember the answer you get.
  9. Go back into your altered state and ask more questions such as, “Are there additional insights which will help me to resolve this specific issue?”
  10.  Finally, come back into full awareness and ground once again. You can always go back into the lifetime(s) revealed at any time if more work needs to be done.

After your session:

  • Go over your notes.
  • Add any further insights that you received.
  • Reflect on the information gleaned and see if it makes sense.
  • If not, come back to it later. Most likely, the information obtained will provide a good idea of where, how, and why an issue persists.
  • Finally, at this point, you may be wondering how to heal problems. Just know this, if you are aware of significant difficult issues impacting your life, just by having an awareness of them instantly begins the healing process.


As mentioned, just by simply being aware of where and how problem issues began, healing and transformation will automatically commence. Over time, you’ll begin to notice that patterns and actions that were once problematic begin to become non-issues. However, long ingrained issues won’t magically change instantly. You’ll need to live life and determine if a change in behavior or thinking has taken place.

Disclaimer: The process for healing self-destructive behaviors may take some time. Also, I’m not a therapist. If you are seeing one, don’t give up on your therapy by thinking that you can heal everything at once. Be patient and realize that healing and recovery from problem patterns is a process that must be carefully monitored and thought out.

*Akasha is a Hindu Sanskrit term for space or ether and has also been adopted in Western metaphysical beliefs.
**An aura is an invisible magnetic field of energy that interpenetrates and surrounds the human body. We all have a primary aura that is unique to us.

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Carol Nicholson is thirty-five years a professional Psychic Medium and author of numerous Psychic and Spiritual courses since 2001.
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2 thoughts on “The Akashic Records Can Heal Your Life”

  1. Marion L Drastal

    Any chance you would help me out with a reading? I would grateful appreciate your time, patience, and wisdom. My soul is tired and in need of your help.

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